Because I have quite short hair, I either style it straight or I curl it as it's not long enough to do much else with it! I love curling it as it makes my hair have more body and volume compared to just straightening it! I've been using the new Nicky Clarke DesiRed Hair Straightener to style my hair lately, Lydia Bright is the face of the new range which also includes a hair dryer! With the straightener, you can adjust the heat which is always a great feature depending on how thick your hair is and how much heat you like to put on your hair. To curl my hair I start by sectioning my hair into four sections as I have very thick hair. I then just use the straightener to clamp my hair, near the root and then twist and gently pull down, I call this the "ribbon method" as it's similar to the technique you use when you curl ribbons on presents! The straightener makes it really easy to curl my hair as the ceramic plates are really smooth so it doesn't tug or pull on my hair at all! It creates really pretty, sophisticated looking curls
that last really well too, I then give my hair a light spray with hair spray! You can buy the straightener at Argos here! It is currently on offer too for just £39.99, less than half price!
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